

Journal 11

What themes and techniques do poems of the Anglo-Saxon period have in common with heroic narratives like Beowulf?

Several poems of the Anglo-Saxon period share many of the same techniques and themes as seen in Beowulf. One key element is kennings. The term kenning is two nouns separated by a hyphen used to describe another noun. Kennings were used as a tool by poets since there were very few words. Along with kennings, several poems had the use of alliterations. A theme that was carried throughout the Anglo-Saxon period was the epic hero archetype. Beowulf and Gilgamesh were both epic hero’s. An epic hero is a long narrative poem about a quest, told in formal, elevated language. Each story battled and defeated there evil. Another thing is they all believed that each event was caused by something greater than the actual situations. The stories consisted of godly presence. Another theme would be the glory and pride the characters had throughout their journeys. These themes and techniques were present in almost all Anglo-Saxon poems and stories, along with the story of Beowulf.

Journal 10

What literary elements do the lines of Caedmon’s Hymn have in common with the poetry of Beowulf? In your comparison, consider the use of alliteration – the repetition of consonant sounds in words that are close to one another – and the words or phrases the poet chooses to praise God. Cite passages from both works to support your response.

“Caedmon’s Hymn” contains many alliterations. The first alliteration is, “Praise we the Fashioner now of Heaven’s fabric,” this alliteration describes God who is described as the fabric of Heaven. “In Beowulf” there are many times god is given thanks and praised. The second alliteration which compares to Beowulf is, “The majesty of his might and his mind’s wisdom.” The third line, “Work of the world-warden, worker of all wonders,” is kenning for the word god. This is also used throughout the story of Beowulf. Beowulf and Caedmon use similar phrases to describe the earth. Beowulf uses, “The Almighty making, the earth, shaping these beautiful plains marked off by oceans, then proudly setting the sun and the moon to glow across the land and light it.” In each, you must read the text as more than just the words. Each line has a meaning deeper than the statement provided.

Journal 9

The most important bond in Anglo-Saxon society was that between a lord and his retainers. How do “The Seafarer” and “The Wife’s Lament” reveal the Anglo-Saxon ideal of loyalty and the tragedy of separation or exile from one’s lord?

The Seafarer” and “The Wife’s Lament” both portray the ideal of loyalty and the tragedy towards a lord. In each poem the lord plays a key role. In order to live a good life you must stay close to the lord. In “The Seafarer,” it’s a mans faith to be on the open sea, and there is no one to help him. Even though he felt at home on sea, the sea almost claimed his life several times. Without the lord the author gives his thoughts that without the lord, one must go through suffering. “The Wife’s Lament” has a connection with the lord. The woman lost connection with the lord and as a result she had to live a sad lonely life.

Journal 8

Compare the elegies “The Seafarer” and “The Wife’s Lament.” Discuss the personal experience each poem presents and the speaker’s attitude toward the experience. What similarities and differences do you find?

In both of these Anglo-Saxon stories, “The Wife’s Lament” and “The Seafarer”, their was a sad theme. In the Wife’s Lament, sadness is presented by the wife’s broken heart towards the loss of her husband. In the Seafarer, sadness is presented by looking back and seeing that he wasted his life away. The Seafarer doesn’t regret his life because he looks back upon all his great trips at sea. Where the Wife’s Lament shows regret in the way her life has went by. The wife doesn’t get to experience happiness because of her husband’s death. He stays true to her vows and lives as a lonely sad women. “The Wife’s Lament” regrets her life and “The Seafarer” regrets his past.

Journal 7

Certain motifs, or recurring ideas, such as the journey, exile, and fate, appear frequently in many Anglo-Saxon works. What recurrent motifs have you found in the three works? Cite evidence in the text to support your answers.

Certain motifs, or recurring ideas, such as the journey, exile, and fate, appear frequently in many Anglo-Saxon works. “From a History of the English Church and People,” written by Bede, is about a man, who believes he can not sing. When he left the feast he saw a person coming in the room with a harp. One night, after falling asleep at the stable he had an interesting dream. Within his dream a man told Caedmon to sing, but knew he was unable. The man told him to trust faith and sing about creations of all things. Caedmon awoke and found that he could sing about god. He added to the song and made it worthy of a Godly hymn. After realizing his gift he became very religious. Caedmon’s journey ended with him finding his gift and becoming religious.

“The Seafarer” is a story about morning someone’s death. The sailor beliefs that life and faith will take you to heaven, but if you lose faith you will be sent to hell. The sailor has been through life’s paths and has experienced many ups and downs. The sailor says, “But there isn’t a man on earth so proud, so born to greatness, so bold with his youth, grown so brave, or graced by God, that he feels no fear as the sails unfurl, wondering what Fate has willing and will do.” This statement explains why the sailor can speak for the common man. The belief that god and faith will send you on life’s journal and into the promise land.

“The Wife’s Lament” is a story of love that can’t be. Her husband and her have been separated because the clans that they come from have had a fight. He doesn’t belief that she will be able to make it without him by her side. “All that has changed, and it is now as though our marriage and our love had never been, and far or near forever I must suffer the feud of my beloved husband dear.”

Journal 4

Epic poetry usually embodies the attitudes and ideas of an entire culture, and Beowulf reveals values of Angle-Saxon’s society. Attributes such as generosity, bravery, honor, and loyalty are values of the Angle-Saxon. When Beowulf decided to save Denmark from Grendel, Generosity was shown. In the text it said, “Proclaiming that he’d [Beowulf] go to that famous king, would sail across the sea to Hrothgar, now when help was needed…” Beowulf had no reason to help the people of Denmark besides out of generosity. Beowulf also represented bravery by putting his life on the line. He realized that there was a chance that Grendel would kill him. Honor was shown when Beowulf killed Grendel. The king honored and thanked Beowulf for his actions. Loyalty was shown several times. The king was loyal to Beowulf by rewarding Beowulf if he beat Grendel. The text states “I will reward thee, for waging this fight, with ancient treasure, as erst I did.” Beowulf’s men were also loyal to Beowulf, by standing by his side knowing that many had a chance of dying that night.
The theme that “Beowulf” represents is the fight of good verses evil. The sides are Beowulf “good” fighting Grendel “evil.” Revenge is called apon when Grendel’s mother comes to fight after the defeating of her son. Also I can find the theme of love. Love is shown when Beowulf pays the king back for his father. Hatred was shown from Grendel to the entire world. Grendel’s mother shows hatred to the people after her son’s death.


I, Cameron clan of the Thibodaux’s,
Born in the land of swamps and lilies,
Raised in the boot-state,
Descendant of Cajun fisherman and English warriors,
Son of the South’s best, stand before you,
A modern-day Ares,
I excel in the knowledge-halls,
Those sound-scholars have taught well,
Great rewards come from this,
I own the hard-wood floors,
Stealing, shooting, scoring,
Triple-double is what they call it,
No one stops me from reaching the rim,
In return rewards,
Bestowed upon me,
I’m hungry for more,
To the dirt-track I find myself,
I fear no one on dead-jumps,
Beasts of champions past try to pass,
I stand my own,
Jumping, jarring, jolting ramps,
So that I am able to reach that prized checkered-flag,
Several times I win, with this more is received,
More and more is still to come.

Problem-Solution “Obesity”


Obesity has become one of the most debated health issues in the past century. Over 22% of the U.S. adult population is obese based on body mass index. 80% of obese adults have one or more chronic diseases that greatly affect their lives. (Barbara) Obesity is a perilous medical condition that affects many Americans and the disadvantages are excessive. Furthermore, society has to bare the cost treating its obese population. Obesity must be prevented in order to decrease health risks and social struggles, and to shape humanistic values.
Obesity is known to be the primary cause of many and to increase other severe health issues. Overeating causes the body to create methods to burn extra energy, which can lead to abnormal body functions. Many obese adults accumulate illnesses such as high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, or even gallbladder disease. Being obese is a huge problem arising in America and is causing many people each year to die an early death.
Obesity is a growing health problem in the United States. This epidemic is growing and now is not just affecting adults but is now reported by Selby that "15% of children six to 19 are becoming obese.” If your BMI is 30% or greater, you are considered obese. (Barbara) Gaining weight doesn’t just happen all at once. It takes a months and even years to become obese. There are many ways to become obese. The primary cause of obesity is an unhealthy diet and exercise regimen. The way this affects a person’s weight is when a person takes in more calories then they burn off in a day. Because the calories are not burned off in a day's exercise, the body stores the excess calories as fat in fat cells then the fat cells expand. Another factor in becoming obese is genetics. The genetics of obesity are still vigorously debated but it has been proven that a person can be genetically predisposed to obesity. Someone whose parents are obese have a higher risk of being obese them selves. The combination of obese parents who may have unhealthy eating and exercise habits along with genes predisposed to storing fat makes it likely that this person will become obese.
There are many health risks in being overweight or obese. There are some medical conditions that will affect your insides such as asthma, copd, acid reflux, Liver problems and Heart problems such as a stroke or high blood pressure. Being obese can also cause social and psychological problems. In a proven study, most overweight people have low self-esteem and depression. These psychological problems negatively impact a person's social life. There are also external problems that have to do with obesity. A person who is overweight will be stigmatized and have negative stereotypes applied to them by others. The most common stereotypes of the obese person are that they are lazy and have no willpower. It has been shown in major studies that overweight job applicants are less likely to be hired and those that are hired are shown to make less than their average weight co-workers. When a person is obese, they will not be as mobile as someone that is of a healthy weight. The overweight person will not be able to be as physical so it will result in getting bigger and bigger until they become so big, they die from the medical complications that will result. These problems will not only hurt people physically but also mentally. These problems can kill. Most medical conditions that result from obesity can be cured if the person loses the weight.
If someone becomes obese and they do not want to stay like that, there are three major ways to treat or prevent obesity. The first way is to eat a healthy diet consisting of "2800 calories for active men and teenage boys, 2500 calories for active woman and teenage girls and 2000 calories for adults who are not active." as stated in the New Dietary Guidelines video. This should be a low fat diet, not one high in saturated fats. No person should consume more fat in grams then half of their body weight. Another way to treat obesity is to change your life style and become more active. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day every day. The third way is to have medical surgery such as liposuction or a gastric bypass surgery. These procedures are usually for morbidly obese people or people that have a BMI over 40%. If nothing is done to change the weight of someone who is obese they will die in a short time.
Many people of all ages in the United States are over weight or obese. Being obese can kill you at an early age and doesn’t give you a full life. Becoming obese doesn’t take one day. It is a progression over time. When a person becomes obese, many health concerns come along with that. Most which are life threatening. A person that becomes obese doesn’t have to stay like that they can lose it and become healthier. This problem is affecting over 30% of adults and 15% of adolescents. If this problem is not looked at in an effort to change it will kill off many before the age of 40.

Journal 6- Grendel's Mother

Grendal shows signs human qualities such as sadness, loneliness, and revenge, Grendel’s mother posses few human emotions. Each monster had there own reason for attacking the Herot. Grendel’s reason for attacking the innocent every night at Herot, was to show the town’s people how he felt lonely and was not invited to the daily parties held by the king and all the people of the village of Herot. He was banished from any type of human interaction from the village due to his status and physical features. Grendal’s mom preys on the humans for motivation. After the death of her son, she goes to Herot in plans of seeking revenge when her son returned to their cave mortally wounded.
The poem describes the physical strength of Grendel was stronger than his mother. On the night Beowulf wounded Grendel, they celebrated with a great deal of food and drink. Many of the celebrants spend that night in Herot while Beowulf sleeps elsewhere. The mother stalks up from her habitat, retrieving her son's claw and murderously abducting one Hrothgar trusted advisors from the mead-hall. Beowulf follows the tracks of Grendel’s mother, and found she was underneath her lair. As the Geat champion dives deep into the lake, the mother waits and attacks only when he nears the bottom. He is virtually helpless as she drags him to the dry, eerily lighted cave for the kill. At this part of the poem, she is described as having long stringy, greasy, snakelike hair which goes down to her waist. She is shorter than Grendel, but resembles the same monstrous features. She is overweight for her height, and her arms and legs are always rusted with blood. She smelled like dried blood since she feasted on humans every night. She and her son lived underneath the pond waiting every night to make their attack and eat their dinner. Unlike Grendel who always felt lonely and depressed since he was excluded from the human world, Grendel’s mother was happy and content as long as she had her son by her side and she has her share of the food. Grendel’s mother was always hungry and greedy for wanting more.
Grendel’s mother had a loud voice that she would project throughout the village. When she screamed people when see it as hell rising over.

Journal 5- Grendel

Grendel was the monster, who terrorized Herot, and he made the men in the mead-hall run away or he would calm their lives. Grendel was a part of hell and lived in a swampy, dark, and gloomy area. “The almighty drove those demons out, and their exile was bitter, shut away from men; they split into a thousand forms of evil.” This text gives the first clue to the readers. Grendel was out to seek revenge because he was isolated from the rest of human kind. He came for his revenge at night, and put fear into the citizen’s of Herot. He would sneak in and eat the sleeping men. He used his powers to make human weapons useless against him. When the men realized this they stayed away from the mead hall for “twelve winters.”
With his attacks on men for no reason Grendel is known as evil. “On murder that no crime could ever be enough, no savage assault quench his lust for evil.” The people feared him and didn’t try to stop him because they feared that nothing could stop the evil inside him. This would lead to Beowulf aiding the people of Herot.
Grendel was unprepared for the coming of Beowulf. He thought that no one was strong and fearless enough to come punish him for his doings. Beowulf was able to fight Grendel, by using Grendels greet and lust against him. Beowulf and his fourteen men stayed in the mead hall and waited for Grendel to show. When Beowulf attacked him Grendel, showed a human emotion when he “Desired nothing but escape.” Grendel was able to escape when the men tried using their weapons to attack him and failed due to the spell put upon the weapons.
Grendel’s natural feeling is to kill and not fill ashamed. He was powerful and strong to aid his evil abilities. He was considered that he was harming innocent citizens. He wanted everyone to feel the hurt and pain that he felt. He was devious since he was able to put an evil spell on all the men’s weapons. He was naïve for thinking that he could never be harmed because of that he was unprepared for the battle. After the arrival of Beowulf, Grendel showed the emotions that the men he terrorized felt. He felt the fear and the need to escape, like the citizens had felt when he terrorized the hall. He felt the helplessness the citizens felt.
Grendel is the symbol of the evil that can surround anyone. He wanted everyone to feel the loneliness and fear because of his hatred. Grendel can be the monster in the closet that we fear or the reason we want the light on at night.

Journal 3

The epic closes on a somber, elegiac note—a note of mourning. What words or images contribute to this tone?

The epic closes on a somber, elegiac note. The end of the Beowulf Epic ends with pride, sadness, and the inspiration that Beowulf gave his people. There are several statements that some the mourning of what’s about to happen with Beowulf. The mourning began when Wiglaf found Beowulf bleeding to death. Knowing that his death was coming Beowulf gazed sadly at the gold and gave his final wishes. After he dies, the past memories of Beowulf and how he risked his life to make a community a better pace to live in starts to come back. He gave the opportunity to his community to hope again and not live in fear. He was one of the earliest heroes to be created in English literature and his story is the foundation of all the heroic stories created today. He sacrificed his own life and happiness for the people. He gave meaning to the true definition of what heroic means.

Journal 2

Beowulf is the archetype of the dragon slayer, the hero who faces death in order to save a threatened community. Does Beowulf remind you of any heroes in real life in fiction, or in the movies today? What characteristics do the heroes share?

After reading Beowulf I come to see bits of Beowulf in all heroes. But I have chosen Superman to compare with Beowulf. The first trait they share is the need for them to save the city. Superman has to save his community time and time again from monsters of evil. Beowulf and Superman both have plenty of confidence and battle evil even if the odds aren’t in their favor. Beowulf never backs down from a challenge. He follows Grendel and promises to put an end to Grendel’s destruction of Denmark. They both end up winning their battles. The difference is Beowulf is a human that is able to die and at the end he eventually does face his death. Superman can not die but does have a weakness, that is tested at times but never catches up with him.


Old and weary I work sifting through the sands of time
On a plane with 12 soldiers, who stay at their post
Constantly clicking, counting, these men who stay still
Five fingers I forfeit from my forlorn hands
Still I work for work I must
From my pedestal I look out from an eyeless face
As time marches on at my pace.