

Journal 4

Epic poetry usually embodies the attitudes and ideas of an entire culture, and Beowulf reveals values of Angle-Saxon’s society. Attributes such as generosity, bravery, honor, and loyalty are values of the Angle-Saxon. When Beowulf decided to save Denmark from Grendel, Generosity was shown. In the text it said, “Proclaiming that he’d [Beowulf] go to that famous king, would sail across the sea to Hrothgar, now when help was needed…” Beowulf had no reason to help the people of Denmark besides out of generosity. Beowulf also represented bravery by putting his life on the line. He realized that there was a chance that Grendel would kill him. Honor was shown when Beowulf killed Grendel. The king honored and thanked Beowulf for his actions. Loyalty was shown several times. The king was loyal to Beowulf by rewarding Beowulf if he beat Grendel. The text states “I will reward thee, for waging this fight, with ancient treasure, as erst I did.” Beowulf’s men were also loyal to Beowulf, by standing by his side knowing that many had a chance of dying that night.
The theme that “Beowulf” represents is the fight of good verses evil. The sides are Beowulf “good” fighting Grendel “evil.” Revenge is called apon when Grendel’s mother comes to fight after the defeating of her son. Also I can find the theme of love. Love is shown when Beowulf pays the king back for his father. Hatred was shown from Grendel to the entire world. Grendel’s mother shows hatred to the people after her son’s death.

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