

Problem-Solution “Obesity”


Obesity has become one of the most debated health issues in the past century. Over 22% of the U.S. adult population is obese based on body mass index. 80% of obese adults have one or more chronic diseases that greatly affect their lives. (Barbara) Obesity is a perilous medical condition that affects many Americans and the disadvantages are excessive. Furthermore, society has to bare the cost treating its obese population. Obesity must be prevented in order to decrease health risks and social struggles, and to shape humanistic values.
Obesity is known to be the primary cause of many and to increase other severe health issues. Overeating causes the body to create methods to burn extra energy, which can lead to abnormal body functions. Many obese adults accumulate illnesses such as high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, or even gallbladder disease. Being obese is a huge problem arising in America and is causing many people each year to die an early death.
Obesity is a growing health problem in the United States. This epidemic is growing and now is not just affecting adults but is now reported by Selby that "15% of children six to 19 are becoming obese.” If your BMI is 30% or greater, you are considered obese. (Barbara) Gaining weight doesn’t just happen all at once. It takes a months and even years to become obese. There are many ways to become obese. The primary cause of obesity is an unhealthy diet and exercise regimen. The way this affects a person’s weight is when a person takes in more calories then they burn off in a day. Because the calories are not burned off in a day's exercise, the body stores the excess calories as fat in fat cells then the fat cells expand. Another factor in becoming obese is genetics. The genetics of obesity are still vigorously debated but it has been proven that a person can be genetically predisposed to obesity. Someone whose parents are obese have a higher risk of being obese them selves. The combination of obese parents who may have unhealthy eating and exercise habits along with genes predisposed to storing fat makes it likely that this person will become obese.
There are many health risks in being overweight or obese. There are some medical conditions that will affect your insides such as asthma, copd, acid reflux, Liver problems and Heart problems such as a stroke or high blood pressure. Being obese can also cause social and psychological problems. In a proven study, most overweight people have low self-esteem and depression. These psychological problems negatively impact a person's social life. There are also external problems that have to do with obesity. A person who is overweight will be stigmatized and have negative stereotypes applied to them by others. The most common stereotypes of the obese person are that they are lazy and have no willpower. It has been shown in major studies that overweight job applicants are less likely to be hired and those that are hired are shown to make less than their average weight co-workers. When a person is obese, they will not be as mobile as someone that is of a healthy weight. The overweight person will not be able to be as physical so it will result in getting bigger and bigger until they become so big, they die from the medical complications that will result. These problems will not only hurt people physically but also mentally. These problems can kill. Most medical conditions that result from obesity can be cured if the person loses the weight.
If someone becomes obese and they do not want to stay like that, there are three major ways to treat or prevent obesity. The first way is to eat a healthy diet consisting of "2800 calories for active men and teenage boys, 2500 calories for active woman and teenage girls and 2000 calories for adults who are not active." as stated in the New Dietary Guidelines video. This should be a low fat diet, not one high in saturated fats. No person should consume more fat in grams then half of their body weight. Another way to treat obesity is to change your life style and become more active. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day every day. The third way is to have medical surgery such as liposuction or a gastric bypass surgery. These procedures are usually for morbidly obese people or people that have a BMI over 40%. If nothing is done to change the weight of someone who is obese they will die in a short time.
Many people of all ages in the United States are over weight or obese. Being obese can kill you at an early age and doesn’t give you a full life. Becoming obese doesn’t take one day. It is a progression over time. When a person becomes obese, many health concerns come along with that. Most which are life threatening. A person that becomes obese doesn’t have to stay like that they can lose it and become healthier. This problem is affecting over 30% of adults and 15% of adolescents. If this problem is not looked at in an effort to change it will kill off many before the age of 40.

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